Gardens for wildlife

Gardens, wildlife & citizen science

The Turning Gardeners into Conservationists citizen science project supported residents to identify and monitor wildlife visiting their gardens, and install new wildlife-friendly structures to support wildlife.

The project found that 216 species of vertebrate wildlife, including birds, frogs, reptiles and mammals, visit residential gardens in southwest Australia. Wildlife-friendly habitat structures supported a variety of wildlife, particularly water sources such as ponds and bird baths.

I led the sociological research component of this project, exploring the benefits of wildlife-friendly gardening for human health, wellbeing and connection to nature. Learn more about the project and its findings in the Community Report.

Scientific publications

  • Van Helden BE, Skates LM & Close PG (2024) Use of wildlife-friendly structures in residential gardens by animal wildlife: evidence from citizen scientists in a global biodiversity hotspot. Urban Ecosystems. Available here: